A useful tool when you’re about to lead change

Whenever there’s a new initiative or idea in your organisation, there will be forces that support it to happen – and forces that oppose it. Seems obvious, huh? But if, as a leader, you don’t acknowledge or sufficiently address the opposing forces at the beginning of a change process, the change process is more likely…

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How to support those new to leadership roles

In the past month, I’ve come across at least five situations where emerging or first-time leaders are coming unstuck in their people leadership role. Usually, I hear this from their boss (or even their boss’s boss). Sometimes, it’s when it reaches HR. But the theme of the problem – and the cause – is almost…

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The 51% Rule: A useful tool for ongoing conflict

Dealing with conflict is part and parcel of being a leader. And conflict in a team is a healthy thing, provided it’s focused around the right things and handled in the right way. After all, differing opinions and divergent thinking promote team performance. Without conflict, you’re likely to fall prey to groupthink, repress innovation, and discourage…

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A practical exercise to build a collective vision for your team

Building a high performing, cohesive team is one of your most imperative responsibilities as a leader. Sounds obvious huh? But too often, it’s something we leave to chance, instead of being purposeful and committed to proactively creating one. Building a high performing and cohesive team requires intentional practice – and perhaps more importantly, persistence. A…

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The Best Leadership App Since Sliced Bread

My mother was a Yoga teacher while I was growing up, which is kinda ironic, because up until very recently I couldn’t meditate to save myself. My mum even had a swami who came to stay with us, complete with swishing orange robes, for several weeks. Oh my poor long-suffering, conservative dad. Now, well into…

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