One-to-one executive coaching to improve leadership performance and capability

Clarity, Skill, 

We offer one-to-one coaching for busy executives looking to understand how to skilfully and objectively apply ideas to specific settings. The programme is personally led by our founder Suzi McAlpine. Our coaching programmes are intended for chief executives and those in the C-suite.

Specific, Tailored Coaching from an Experienced Executive Coach.

Through our individualised coaching programmes, we provide the fresh thinking and perspectives senior leadership team members need to excel in their role. Executives learn to:


Lift their self-awareness and improve communication skills


Oversee and lead organisational transitions


Assess and mitigate key areas of leadership risk


Support changes in behaviour and skills within their team


Play their part in reducing workplace stress


Develop effective conflict resolution skills


Better manage their critical relationships, including those with teams, peers, managers and the Board


Identify areas of unique strength, values and interest and draw on these to improve motivation

Empathy, Engagement and Guidance.

Suzi McAlpine is a renowned executive coach with the insights, experiences and credentials to support CEO’s and senior executives in their leadership roles. Her engaging style quickly builds the trust needed to make progress while her fresh thinking adds new perspectives and options.

Suzi has the integrity, experience and mindfulness to hold executives to account without bias, to remove barriers and add value fast. Her coaching style fosters an open style of leadership development, built around collaboration, vulnerability and successful partnerships

Balancing the latest leadership strategies and changes at a global level with more localised insights, Suzi offers guidance that busy executives relate to and receive real value from.

“Working in the C-suite has been described by some as an incredibly lonely job. Leaders are besieged with expectations, and yet, too often, they miss out on the guidance they themselves need to feel fulfilled in their role, adapt to changes, lead people well, and continue to improve their own performance.

Executive coaching offers those directly charged with making change happen the opportunity to share their thinking and challenges in a safe and positive environment, where they can fully be themselves. Indeed, acknowledging vulnerabilities and working through them is a key part of equipping those most senior in an organisation with the support, feedback and advice they need to maximise their contribution and work confidently alongside others in achieving goals for which they are all responsible.”

Suzi McAlpine


Leaders share their experiences


What is executive coaching? 

Executive coaching is a structured, process driven relationship between a trained professional coach and an individual or team. It focuses on unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping an individual to learn, rather than a focus on teaching them, per se.

Coaching is not advice giving, although there are times when suggestions (or guiding) may be appropriate. It is not ‘therapy’, although some of the models and techniques used in coaching are borrowed from both psychotherapy and management consultancy.

Coaching helps you develop a new way of seeing, feeling about and behaving in situations that are defined as ‘problematic’, as well as assisting you in setting achieving goals and decision making.

Coaching focuses on

  • Self awareness
  • Self responsibility
  • Self belief

The focus can often be on improving your leadership skills and broadly enhancing your interpersonal or professional skills. This may include, but not be limited to planning skills, leading change, delegation, time management, negotiation, managing conflict, and enhancing your communication and team management skills.

How long does the executive coaching last? 

The short answer is – it depends! Typically, we will contract for 6 sessions, and then review progress towards objectives. I have some clients who I have been coaching for years, but even then, its important to periodically review and set new goals or areas of focus.

Typically, a one on one executive coaching programme will last between 6-12 months.

What experience and training do you have in executive coaching? 

I have completed a one year intensive executive coaching course through Spirited Leadership, covering all aspects of executive coaching practice. This covered foundations of coaching and mentoring, personal and interpersonal development, pfoessional coaching practice and advanced models and skills of coaching.

I have over fifteen years of experience in executive coaching and have coached hundreds of senior leaders.

We can Notify You if a Place Becomes Available

Our Executive Coaching programme is currently fully booked. However, we can notify you if a place becomes available. If you would like us to do so, please contact us using the booking form below.

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